A genuine italian story
It was the 50s.
During summer afternoons, at the Macarios, grandma Vittoria created refreshing drinks for adults and children. Ingredients were simple, tastes unforgettable: everyone who tried her drinks was enthusiastic. So, the family decided to begin a small homemade production, in order to let others enjoy that genuine flavor.
The company prospered for some years gaining favor with customers; then the founder, becoming elderly, decided to close the business.
The story of that special experience, together with the memory of grandma and her recipes, has encouraged one of the grandsons to revive the project maintaining that same, old family spirit.
Macario joined Holdim group in 2015. The brand has a new lease on life, and yet its tradition and mission remain unchanged: to quench thirsts with style, offering drinks characterized by simple and authentic tastes.
As grandma Vittoria used to do, in the 50s, at the Macario’s home.