
About the winery

The recent history sees its key actor in Antonio Gianfreda, recap of the knowledge of previous generations together with technical competences acquired during his studies in Conegliano Veneto. Over the years, Antonio gave a new drive to the activity of his father Cosimo, reconstructing and expanding the cellar and increasing the wine commercialization with the North of Italy.
Today at the 5th generation, Dalila and Emanuela dedicate themselves with curiosity, creativity and enthusiasm to the storical familiar activity and also to the management of hospitality in their Masseria.
Dalila takes care of the hospitality in Masseria and of the marketing and sales in the Winery, whereas Emanuela, following her father Antonio’s footsteps, graduated in Viticulture and Enology in San Michele all’Adige and nowadays is the enologist of Jorche. Together, the two Gianfreda sisters have been the first ones to bottle their wines, valorizing their own brand and territory, exporting it with proud in the world.